Castlemoyle Books

Flying to Extremes. Memories of a Northern Bush Pi


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Category: Biography

Author: Dominique Prinet

Copyright/published Year: 2022 by Hancock House

ISBN: 9780888391452

Binding: Trade Pap

Description: Recalling some of the most memorable escapades ever conducted in ì the Canadian Arctic with bush planes, Flying to Extremes takes ì place in the late '60s and early '70s from a base at Yellowknife, ì in the heart of the Northwest Territories.

Beyond recounting so many near-mishaps, this book is also ì about colourful people: the trappers, prospectors, miners, ì adventurers and gold-ingot thieves who constituted the fauna at ì the main bar in Yellowknife in those days. For Arctic dreamers, ì there was always the flight to the Nahanni River, with its ì Deadman's Valley, hot springs, tales of lost or dead prospectors, ì the many airplanes crashed in pursuit of gold, and much more ì Nahanni lore.

This entertaining book recollects Prinet's adventures as a ì young man while capturing the humour, beauty, danger and unique ì culture of northern communities, in the dramatic landscape of the ì Canadian Arctic. Readers familiar with the region and those who ì can only dream of visiting it will both find this title a ì nostalgic and captivating read.

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