Castlemoyle Books

Art Across the Alphabet


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Category: Early Childhood

Grade Level: Preschool

Author: Kelly Justus Campbell

Copyright/published Year: 2003 by Gryphon House

ISBN: 9780876592892

Binding: Paperback

Description: Art Across the Alphabet contains art-centered ì activities for children aged three to six to reinforce letter ì recognition, build phonemic awareness and pre-reading skills, and ì associate reading with FUN! The book links art and literacy ì seamlessly, explores the magic of language, and offers unique ì opportunities to create readers while creating art-from Airplane ì Wings to Zany Zoo Animals!

Children explore each letter creatively through: A Letter of ì the Week focus that lets each letter take center stage and Fun ì Letter Activities for every letter of the alphabet, which can be ì incorporated throughout your pre-reading curriculum. Perfect ì program for preschools, home schools, and daycare homes.

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