Castlemoyle Books

Oil Painting w/ the versatile Painting Knife

Category: Fine Arts: Drawing/Painting

Author: William F Powell

Copyright/published Year: 1990 by Walter Foster

ISBN: 1560101261

Binding: Paperback


The palette knife and painting knife are intriguing and ì expressive tools. Working in oil with a painting knife adds an ì element of texture and spontaneity to fine art that simply cannot ì be achieved with a paintbrush alone. Oil Painting Techniques ì addresses everything you want to know about painting with a ì knife, including the materials you will need to get started, as ì well as hand positions, paint mixing, and coverage techniques. ì Follow step-by-step instructions to create different textures and ì master numerous applications: thick and thin coverage, dot and ì sidestrokes, and much more. From painting thickly impasto style ì to using your knife to scrape away lines of paint, itÆs all right ì here in this comprehensive guide!

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