Castlemoyle Books

Latin Third Year

Category: Foreign Languages: Latin

Author: Robert J. Henle, S.J.

Copyright/published Year: 1959 by Loyola Univ Press

Binding: hardcover


Humanistic insight and linguistic training are the goals of ì the Henle Latin Series from Loyola Press, an integrated four-year ì Latin course. Time-tested and teacher endorsed, this ì comprehensive program is designed to lead the student ì systematcially through the fundamentals of the language itself ì and on to an appreciation of selected classic texts.

Condition Information

This is a used book and is in Good condition.

Additional condition description

later printing of 1959 copyright. Hardcover. Text is clean. Cover is lightly soiled.

Categories: -2880-2910-


Original Price: $24.95
Your Price: $14.00
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