Castlemoyle Books

Last Days in Eden


Original Price: $28.50
Your Price: $5.00
You Save: $23.50

Category: Travel

Author: Elspeth Huxley

Copyright/published Year: 1984 by Amaryllis Press

ISBN: 0943276020

Binding: hardcover

Description: Last Days in Eden celebrates Africa's spectacular wildlife ì paradise. It sends you on a photographic safari to an unspoiled ì habitat rarely seen with such intimacy.

Observed in their unfettered state, the mighty elephant ì becomes gentle, the crafty chimpanzee is seen as playful, and ì those we call beasts of the jungle" display traits of ì intelligence and kinship normally attributed only to humans.

Eden's magic is conveyed by the 100 dramatic color photographs ì of award-winning wildlife photographer, Hugo van Lawick. Our ì understanding of this wondrous world is heightened by the ì evocative prose of Elspeth Huxley, who captivated millions with ì her book and television series, "The Flame Trees of Thika."

Condition Information

This is a used book and is in Good condition.

Additional condition description

1984 hardcover. Has previous owner's embossed seal (about 2" round) on Half Title Page, otherwise unmarked. Smallish tear on back of dust cover "repaired" with tape.

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