
A Doctor's Notes Taken from both sides of the
Author: T. F. Godwin, MD, FRCP(C)
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A Man and His River
Author: D. C. Reid
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Always a River to Cross
Author: Various contributors
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Broken Arrow #1 The World's First Lost Atomic Bomb
Author: John Clearwater
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Burnt Snow
Author: Kieran Moore
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Descent Into Madness
Author: Vernon Frolick
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Edmonton... The Way it Was (in Slipcase)
Author: Author(s) not stated
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Exploring the Creston Valley
Author: Tanna Patterson-Z
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Fishing the Canadian Rockies (Second Edition)
Author: Joey Ambrosi
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Flying to Extremes. Memories of a Northern Bush Pi
Author: Dominique Prinet
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Fort Steele: Here History Lives
Author: Derryll White
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Frontier Guide to Enchanted Banff and Lake Louise
Author: Frontiers Unlimited
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Fulfilment. Memoirs of a Criminal Court Judge
Author: David Vanek
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Gem Trails of British Columbia (2nd Ed)
Author: Cam Bacon
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In Search of our Past (John & Cynthia Harris)
Author: Carol Hodges, M/M Howard Harris
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Knight of the Wilderness, Story of Alexander Macke
Author: Maxine Shore
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Many-Mouthed Birds. Contemporary Writing Chinese C
Author: Benned Lee & Jim Wong-Chu, editors
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Memoirs (Pierre Trudeau)
Author: Pierre Trudeau
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Monarch Reformed Church 1909-1984
Author: , pastor
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Our Homes on Indigenous Lands
Author: Mali Bain
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Outposts and Bushplanes
Author: Bruce Lamb
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Packtrains and Airplanes (Memories of Lonesome Lak
Author: Trudy Turner
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PODS, Wildflowers & Weeds in their Final Beauty
Author: Jane Embertson
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Potlatch People
Author: Mildred Valley Thornton
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Providence (McBruide Chronicles, Book One)
Author: Valerie Green
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Ralph Edwards of Lonesome Lake
Author: Ed Gould
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Ruffles on my Longjohns
Author: Isabel Edwards
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The Okanagan
Author: Gordon Peachey
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Tales of Tofield
Author: Grace A. Phillips, editor
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The Power of Dreams (27 years off-grid in a Wilder
Author: Dave & Rosemary Neads
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Totem Poles -- An Illustrated Guide
Author: Marjorie Halpin
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Valour Road
Author: John Nadler
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Vanished: The Michael Dunahee Story
Author: Valerie Green
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Wild Canadian West
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Wrong Highway: Misadventures of a Misplaced Societ
Author: Stella T. Jenkins
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Yukon Tears and Laughter
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