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Category: Religion: Apologetics
Copyright/published Year: by Nineveh's Crossing
ISBN: 804879047094
Binding: DVD
Description: What Catholics Really Believe
13 Episodes
Over 6 Hours of instructional dialogue.
Theologically Approved: "Enjoyable and informative and... are ì in complete accord with Catholic faith and morals. Dr. Guarendi ì and Fr. Fete manifest a fine knowledge of Sacred Scripture and ì are both excellent Catholic apologists." Robert Fastiggi, Ph.D. ì (Under Canon Law the Nihil Obstat and Imprimatur are not ì available for audio-visual materials, but only for books.)
A fabulously insightful, illuminating, and, at times, ì entertaining dialogue between Dr. Ray Guarendi & Rev. Kevin Fete ì as they explore the common misunderstandings of Catholicism.
With a mixture of history, doctrine, and fun debate, they mine ì what is often overlooked. Far from two guys' opinions,...
...the programs quote extensively from Scripture, the Catechism ì of the Catholic Church, and writings from the Early Church ì Fathers.
If you're familiar with Dr. Ray's humor, you'll soon understand ì why he's paired up with Fr. Fete in this fascinating 13 part ì series.
This series is great as a gift for your Church's Religious ì Education department or library, for home schoolers, formal ì religious education at all levels, and personal study. Topics ì include: Faith vs. Works, Baptism, Mary, Purgatory, Bible, the ì Papacy, and The Eucharist with a visit from a Physics ì Professor.
Program Titles
1. Jesus
2. The Bible
3. Scripture and Tradition
4. Eucharist, Part 1
5. Eucharist, Part 2
6. Baptism
7. Morality
8. Confession
9. Mary, Part 1
10. Mary, Part 2
11. St. Peter
12. The Papacy
13. Purgatory
This book is new.
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