Castlemoyle Books

The Darkest Year: The American Home Front 1941-194


Original Price: $29.95
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Category: History: U.S.: 20th Century

Author: William K. Klingaman

Copyright/published Year: 2019 by St. Martin's Press

ISBN: 1250133173

Binding: hardcover

Description: For Americans on the home front, the twelve months following the ì Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor comprised the darkest year of ì World War Two. Despite government attempts to disguise the ì magnitude of American losses, it was clear that the nation had ì suffered a nearly unbroken string of military setbacks in the ì Pacific; by the autumn of 1942, government officials were openly ì acknowledging the possibility that the United States might lose ì the war.

Appeals for unity and declarations of support for the war ì effort in the aftermath of Pearl Harbor made it appear as though ì the class hostilities and partisan animosities that had beset the ì United States for decades -- and grown sharper during the ì Depression -- suddenly disappeared. They did not, and a deeply ì divided American society splintered further during 1942 as ì numerous interest groups sought to turn the wartime emergency to ì their own advantage.

Condition Information

This is a used book in Very good condition.

Additional condition description

2019 hardcover. No Jacket. Solid, square binding. Appears clean and unmarked.

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