Castlemoyle Books

Hands-On Math Projects with Real Life Applications


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Category: Mathematics

Author: Judith A Muschla & Gary Muschla

Copyright/published Year: 2006 by Jossey-Boss Teacher

ISBN: 9780787981792

Binding: Paper

Description: Ready-to-Use Lessons and Materials for Grades 6-12
2nd ì Edition

An exciting collection of 60 hands-on investigations will help ì your students in grades 6 to 12 apply math concepts and skills to ì everyday problems found across the curriculum, in sports, and in ì daily life. These tested projects stress cooperative learning, ì group sharing, and writing, and build skills in problem-solving, ì critical thinking decision-making, and computation.

Each project follows the same proven format, including ì instructions for the teacher, a student Guide, and one or more ì reproducible datasheets and worksheets. All the elements needed ì for a successful individual or group learning experience. To help you quickly find appropriate projects to meet the diverse ì needs of your students, a special skills index identifies the ì skills emphasized in each project, and all materials are ì organized into six major sections: Math & Science; Math & Social ì Studies; Math and language; Math & Art & Music; Math and Sports & ì Recreation; and Math & life Skills.

You will also find tested guidelines, techniques, and tools for ì managing the classroom during project activities and assessing ì students' performance.

383 pages.

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