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Category: Sports: Fishing

Author: Barry Thornton

Copyright/published Year: 1995 by Hancock House

ISBN: 0888393709

Binding: trade pap

Description: Steelhead is a tribute to this magnificent fish and to ì steelheaders throughout the Pacific Northwest who have worked to ì protect steelhead and the rivers they inhabit. Full of helpful ì hints and secrets for success.

Steelhead, the Prince of Salmon, is the trophy trout which ì river anglers in the Pacific Northwest acknowledge from ì experience is the greatest freshwater game fish in North America. ì My first experience with the awesome power of this trophy was ì typical to that of every angler who first hooks a steelhead. My ì drifting float, holding fresh roe just above the bottom of the ì stream, had submerged and instinctively I lifted the rod to set ì the hook, I can still recall the immediate disappointment when my ì hook struck solid but nothing happened. I was certain that I had ì hung up on that inevitable snag which lies in every pool. ì Impatiently, I began to strip line through my fingers, as one ì does with fly line, in an attempt to loosen the hook. But, when I ì had gathered no more than five feet of slack in front of me, the ì line suddenly streamed through my fingers and a fish of ì unbelievable power charged to the head of the pool and then ì turned and raced out the tail end. Having only fly-fished with ì single action reels during the previous ten years, I had ì instinctively tried to handle the spinning reel and monofilament ì line as one does a regular fly line. The result was predictable. ì I lost the fish and the fifteen pound-test nylon line shredded my ì index finger and sliced two great gashes in my hand. Thoroughly ì stupefied and nursing a hand that hurt like blazes, I resolved ì then and there to put on of those magnificent fish in my ì creel!

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